Apply for Funding
The Livewell Foundation has two funding pots: one for large grants up to £10,000 and one for small grants up to £1,000.
The Livewell Foundation is open all year for external grant applications from third sector organisations for small grants only. Small grant applications are reviewed at every trustee meeting every 3 months - up to £5,000 total of small grants will be approved at each meeting (total of £20,000 per annum).
The Livewell Foundation is now open for large grant applications. The closing date for large grant applications this year is 31 December 2024. Successful applicants will be informed by March 2025.
Our funding priorities remain for projects or initiatives that will:
- Improve health and wellbeing
- Reduce mental and physical ill health
- Reduce social isolation
This could be for one or a combination of two or three of the above.
However, please also note that for 2024-25, the foundation has made a strategic decision to focus more funding towards two key health areas:
1. Children's mental health
2. Women's health
This does not exclude other applications however applications which address one or two of these key areas will score additional points at our grant sifting evaluation stage.
We can fund:
- Staff salaries
- Project activities
- Running costs
- Small-scale refurbishment
- Equipment
- Organisational development
- Core costs
We can’t fund:
- Proposals from organisations that are run primarily for private gain or to generate profits for private distribution, or any activities that generate profits for private gain
- Religious activity (although we can fund religious organisations if their project benefits the wider community and doesn’t include religious content)
- Activities that replace government funding
- Activities that benefit individuals, rather than the wider community
- Political activities
- Retrospective costs
- Loan repayments
- Work that does not have a direct benefit on communities or individuals in Plymouth and South West Devon (please refer to our Grant Application Guidance for full post code listings - applicants outside of these areas will not be accepted on our application form)
- Academic Research, unless the applicant can demonstrate significant potential for practical outcomes
- Work that is primarily the responsibility of statutory authorities
- Core activities of organisations which are part of a national network of others doing similar work e.g. MIND, Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society
- Organisations that cannot demonstrate financial governance
- Requests to purely fund administration costs for running an organisation
- Projects that do not have a defined time period in which the beneficiaries will benefit
- Contributions to general appeals or circulars;
- Activities which solely support animal welfare;
- Grant-making by other organisations.
You can find a full copy of our Grant Application Guidance here.
We strongly recommend that you complete your application in word before pasting your answers across to the online application. You can download the questions to both the small and large application forms in word by clicking on the download buttons below.

Please click on the relevant link below to be taken through to the required online application form.

If you have any queries regarding the application process, please email and we will endeavour to respond as soon as we can.